Jacob was the brother of Esau (an un-identical twin), born to Isaac (himself a miracle birth, whose mother Sarah, wife of Abraham was “barren” ; but had been promised many years before the birth, that she would have a son)! Jacob’s story re. finding his wife, and securing her and her sister and Cattle from his uncle Laban, led eventually to a struggle with (an Angel, Man, Vicarious Almighty God); which endowed the ‘Prophecy’ of (Gen. 32:24–30). This prophecy relates to the time in the yet future (probable close) when Israel will successfully reach “Jeshurun” status as "Ideal Israel" ; and will become “a Kingdom of Priests unto God” on Earth! (Exod.19:6, Isa.61:6, 1Peter 2:9 & Rev. 1:6)!
Jacob was called to Egypt during a famine, by his son Joseph, and a vision from God! Jacob was the grandfather of Moses and the father of all the twelve tribes of Israel. God Himself changed Jacob's name to Israel (Genesis 32:28). Moses was of the tribe of Levi. His parents were Amram and Jochebed (Exodus 6:20).
Moses was called by Almighty God, to free his relatives still in bondage in Egypt. Moses struggled and resisted initially; but eventually, with his brother Aaron, they confronted the Pharaoh of Egypt in the struggle together, with eventual success! Theirs was an act of Faith against great odds of success; but led to the development of the Nation of Israel, which is witnessed in the Old Testament!
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